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2017-08-30 17:11:28 来源:江博教育 作者:江博教育

 新SAT的writing and language对学生的语言运用能力要求更高。尤其是许多学生在真实考场里一遇到就头疼的题,如 “加句子题”。“加句子题”的本质考察的是学生对句子间逻辑关系的把握,对段落主旨的把握,对论点和论据是否一致,是否有相关性的把握。因此做这种题的时候,我们只需要回到段落找出主旨就可以了。 


以2017 SAT OG test1真题为例


These days, many 41[Marker for question 41] student’s majoring in philosophy have no intention of becoming philosophers; instead, they plan to apply those skills to other disciplines. Law and business specifically benefit from the complicated theoretical issues raised in the study of philosophy, but philosophy can be just as useful in engineering or any field requiring complex analytic skills. 42[Marker for question 42] That these skills are transferable across professions 43[Marker for question 43] which makes them especially beneficial to twenty-first-century students. Because today’s students can expect to hold multiple jobs—some of which may not even exist yet—during 44[Marker for question 44] our lifetime, studying philosophy allows them to be flexible and adaptable. High demand, advanced exam scores, and varied professional skills all argue for maintaining and enhancing philosophy courses and majors within academic institutions.


Question 42 of 44

At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence.


The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, for example, wrote many of his works in the form of dialogues.Should the writer make this addition here?


 (Choice A)A Yes, because it reinforces the passage’s      main point about the employability of philosophy majors.

(Choice B)B Yes, because it acknowledges a common      counterargument to the passage’s central claim.

(Choice C)C No, because it blurs the paragraph’s      focus by introducing a new idea that goes unexplained.

(Choice D)D No, because it undermines the passage’s      claim about the employability of philosophy majors.


“加句子题”这种题型,其实就是 CB培养我们学生 COMMAND OF EVIDENCE这项能力。我们首先需要回到划线文本所在段落里去把握段落主旨。以上面真题为例,本段落探讨的是 the usefulness of a philosophy background (原文philosophy can be just as useful in engineering or any field requiring complex analytic skills,后面大段文本都在讨论哲学背景出身的优势)。接着,我们再看待加入的句子,是一个具体的例子,是一个事实——柏拉图的许多作品都是对话的形式出现。到这里,我们不难发现,待加入的句子其实对段落的主旨是毫无相关性的。那么,我们可以先肯定选NO, 但是请同学们注意,当大方向明确之后,我们一定要仔细阅读NO的两个选项的理由,因为总有一个选项是“睁着眼睛说瞎话”,如果不仔细阅读选项的依据,想当然的话,我们就会掉进CB的套路。我们来看看D选项,柏拉图的作品跟哲学专业的雇佣能力有什么关系?不仔细看,还真是“差点就信了“。


