您当前的位置:江博教育> SAT词汇>考前必背:10个SAT满分词汇(附例句)


2017-06-06 15:45:01 来源:江博教育 作者:江博教育





1. dichotomy: being twofold, great difference;二分法,天壤之别

By doing this, Bogard creates a dichotomy between Paris’ traditionally alluded-to name and the reality of what Paris is becoming – no longer “the city of light”, but moreso “the city of light…before 2 AM”.


2. synergistic: collaborative ;协同作用的

3. compilation: something that is compiled;汇编,合集

In paragraph 5, Gioia utilizes a synergistic reference to two separate sources of information that serves to provide a stronger compilation of support for his main topic.


4. foreshadow: indicate;预示

This dual utilization of claims from two separate sources conveys to Gioia’s audience the sense that the skills built through immersion in the arts are vital to succeeding in the modern workplace which aids in logically leading his audience to the conclusion that a loss of experience with the arts may foreshadow troubling results. 


5. disconnection: disjunction;分离

This may affect his audience by providing a more accurate depiction of the true problems caused bydisconnection with arts while possibly choosing an example they could personally relate to.      


6. insinuate: imply;暗示

7. pertain to: relate to;与有关

This also serves as a way to persuade leaders of the increasing importance of the need for a stronger stream of foreign news coverage by appealing to the audience’s emotions and insinuating that they are missing out on critical information that pertains directly to their lives.


8. qualifymake it less strong or less general by adding a detail or explanation to it(通过增加细节、解释)使语气缓和

Appealing to environmentalists, too, Summers qualifies that “they have every right to try to convince people to adopt certain beliefs or lifestyles, but they do not have the right to use government force …”


9. disparaging: scornful,contemptuous;毁谤的,轻蔑的

10. annoyance: irritation;烦恼,可厌之事

“Reprieve,” “dubious,”“bureaucracy,” and “evil incarnate” all depict a disparaging tone of annoyanceand anger, surely helping Summers to spread his message.








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