您当前的位置:江博教育> 文书解析>一篇被哈佛大学录取的Essay分析


2017-06-01 13:49:40 来源:江博教育 作者:江博教育


我们不妨来看一篇近年被哈佛大学录取的“新鲜文章”。看看这篇带有“独特风味”的Personal Statement是如何以自身的经历在众多星光熠熠的essay pool里拔得头筹。作者的语言并没有复杂绚丽,但却简洁明确的迅速展开了自己的经历与成长。几乎每一段落里都有矛盾和成长。而正是这种成长的痛楚与欣慰,让哈佛大学看到了字面后的作者的性格潜质。为了大家阅读方便,我放了原文与分析如下:

 Homeless for Thirteen Years


I sat on my parents’ bed weeping with my head resting on my knees. “Why did you have to do that to me? Why did you have to show me the house and then take it away from me?” Hopelessly, I found myself praying to God realizing it was my last resort.

For years, my family and I found ourselves moving from country to country in hopes of a better future. Factors, such as war and lack of academic opportunities, led my parents to pack their bags and embark on a new journey for our family around the world. Our arduous journey first began in Albania, then Athens, Greece, and then eventually, Boston, Massachusetts. Throughout those years, although my family always had a roof over our heads, I never had a place I could call “home”.


I had been homeless for the first thirteen years of my life. Although I will never be able to fully repay my parents for all of their sacrifices, the least I could do was to help find them a home that they could call their own---and that year, I did. To me, a home means that the general conception of “ four walls and a roof.” A home is a place filled with memories and laughter from my family. No matter where my future may lead me, I know that if at times I feel alone, I will always have a yellow home with my family inside waiting for me.



场景开篇在很多作家作品中都有运用,比如:世界著名作家海明威在短篇小说 The Three-day Blow 是这样开篇的: The rain stopped as Nick turned into the road went up through the orchard. The fruit had been picked and the fall wind blew through the bare trees. Nick stopped and picked up a Wagner apple from beside the road, shiny in the brown grass from the rain.He put the apple in the pocket of his Mackinaw coat.这类写作手法具有异曲同工之妙。




