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【托福听力素材】托福TPO40 Lecture1

2017-07-20 14:03:11 来源:江博教育 作者:江博教育














TPO40 Lecture1的解析吧


TPO40 Lecutre1



TPO40 Lecture1

这篇关于art history的lecture属于中等难度,甚至也有其他老师因为重点突出的程度把它算作较简单的一类。无论如何,多处出题点吻合我们在课上讲到的信号和逻辑,主要还是考察同学们对于层次划分之后的对于细节的理解程度。

虽然是art history的讲座,但是并没有按大多数此类话题一样,而是介绍了paper的写作步骤和注意事项。这印证了常规话题内也有非常规的文章内容和叙述形式,所以同学们需要在平时注意文章内容,学科背景的同时,多去分析文章逻辑,行文方式。



formal analysis的解释+打比方English class上的poem paper,然后以formal analysis 为中心点展开步骤:

a.  appearance of the work (Now, before you begin writing your formal analysis, …)

b. individual design element (The next part of your paper, the actual formal analysis, …)

c.  significance of what you see (In the last section of your paper, and this goes beyond formal analysis, …)

e.  教授个人经历


1. What point does the professor make about the writing of a formal analysis in art history?

A. Its objective is to identify common features of several works of art.

B. Its most important part is the explanation of an artwork's significance.

C. Several styles of writing a formal analysis are used by art historians.

D. A particular approach is required to present information about an artwork.

解析:不是主旨典型问法,注意是问得what point,但是思考方法不变,需要先找到关于formal analysis的细节内容来进行总结,然后用排除法二次确认比较妥当。A选项中objective是目标的意思,formal analysis的目标文中并没有详细给出,但是可以从定义中发现绝对不是找出几个艺术作品的共同点;B选项是打擦边球,文中有这样一句话,但是最重要的部分是分析element;C选项”多种写formal analysis的风格”完全不符合文章内容,直接排除

2. According to the professor, what will students need to do before writing the art history paper? 

A. Look at examples of formal analysis in textbooks 

B. Take notes on the artwork they will write about 

C. Go to different museums before selecting a topic for the paper

D. Study the historical context of the artwork they will write about

解析:文章开头明显重点,“so next step is…”引导,然后有内容上的对比,老师并不希望学生 “glance at it” 瞟一眼就走,而是坐在面前仔细认真的观察然后做笔记。并且有祈使句嘱咐“keep careful notes about what you see ”

3. Why does the professor mention an English class?

A. To explain the difference between visual language and written language 

B. To explain that students need good writing skills for their assignment 

C. To point out similarities between a poetry paper and the students' assignment 

D. To point out that many art historians become writers

解析:典型打比方的手法,听到formal analysis这个专业概念解释之后,重点自然就凸显了,但是注意老师是为了让学生明白什么是formal analysis才举得这个例子。

4. What does the professor recommend as a way to understand the relationship between different parts of an artwork?

A. Looking for lines that connect different parts of the work 

B. Examining the artwork from several different angles 

C. Looking for similar colors the artist used throughout the work

D. Determining how the viewer's eyes move around the work

解析:个人认为直选比较难的一题,文中内容和选项有同义替换,并且不太容易注意到这个细节。首先需要听到老师介绍第二个section:actual formal analysis,然后文中举例子说明学生要能够描述艺术家用的design element是什么;接着关键就是在于听到“And if you don’t know where to begin, take note of where your eye goes first. ”这句和之后的内容。记住,假设也就是这里的条件状语从句也是特殊举例

5. Why does the professor talk about his own experience analyzing the painting of a little boy?

A. To point out a common misconception about formal analysis 

B. To stress the importance of looking at an artwork thoroughly 

C. To show why a formal analysis should not emphasize small details 

D. To provide an example of an artwork that is easy to analyze


6. The professor describes three sections the art history paper should contain. Place them in the order in which they should appear in the paper.

Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs.

A. Analysis of the design elements the artist uses 

B. Discussion of the meaning of the artwork 

C. Summary of the appearance of the artwork

排序:C A B

